Monday, August 25, 2008

to blog, or not to blog?.....that is the question

deciding to start a blog is a bit of a daunting task. besides that fact that blogging is somewhat of a overpopulated medium, there is the question, will people want to read what you have to say? so I put the question to a few friends, the reaction was mixed. but all said 'suck it and see'.

so here goes, what you'll see in this blog is an assortment of music, movies, gaming, tv, web and a few random thoughts that usually happen over a 9-5 period. but please bear with me as I get to grips with the 'blogger' interface and the task of blogging in general.

please leave comments (good/ bad/ constructive welcome). so I hope you enjoy, or find mildly amusing, the spread of thoughts over these pages of internet anonymity.

1 comment:

  1. From my point of view, the best reason to start a blog is the opportunities it delivers. I've met so many great people just because I write some crap online. Keep it up and enjoy it.

