Friday, April 17, 2009

The difference music can make

We've all heard the theme music to different srokes, an uplifting ditty that fits well with the positive images of a father picking up his kids. Here, someone has changed the theme music to the well loved TV show in favour of something a little different. I think you'll agree it changes the tone of the show......a little.

Makes you think what the show would have been like had this been the music...

swings, roundabouts.........and parking

somewhere in eastern europe (where all the good ideas come from) a designer has come up with a novel solution to on-street parking barriers that benefits young and old...

the parking barrier swing!

it is made of a tubular steel design that can be folded neatly into the ground, which the owner locks into place. the idea being that kids that play on the steets during the day can play on it while still maintaining it's function as a parking barrier. then at night when the mammy and daddy get home they put the swing down and everyone goes in for dinner! I have a couple of questions...

1. Who is supervising the kids playing in the steets if mammy and daddy are off on a drive and...
2. what happens if the parents get home early?....the party's over!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

if trailers are anything to go by...

...then X-Men Origins: Wolverine is going to be on of my favourite films. c'mon, who doesn't want 3 blades on each hand? actually hold that thought, going to the toilet could be a who different experience...

but then again, maybe I shouldn't put so much faith in movie trailers...

Monday, February 23, 2009

US Airways.....Grounded...

ever wonder what happened to the plane that landed in the Hudson River?...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

what the f...

well folks, after an extended christmas break I thought I'd get back into this blogging craic. if you are one of the 3 people who look at this page, thanks for persevering and on we go...

I don't know about you but I love to swear. bitch, fuck, shit, motherfucker...there's no better release of frustration or slagging someone off. Seemingly there are a few other people who like to swear too...

and if you were thinking only stupid people with small vocabularies swear, think again...

Monday, December 15, 2008

cyborg monkey controls robot arm...

when I seen this video title, I stopped in my tracks and had to watch it. and surprise surprise, it does exactly what it says on the tin!

scientists have tapped into a monkeys brain and the result is.......robo-monkey. but seriously, is this the beginning of a cyborg monkey army? watch this space...

Friday, December 12, 2008

dear santa...I also want...

a ghostbusters proton pack (replica, of course). this little beauty will set you back a reasonable €680, well worth it I say.

my christmas party is movie themed fancy dress, I was thinking of going as a ghostbuster but the only proton pack I could find was a shitty inflatable one. I should have kept the one I had when I was 12, that was brilliant

so the list is now....
1. r2d2 projector
2. replica proton pack

I'm not a geek......i swear....

Thursday, December 11, 2008

you little.......drummer

meet igor falecki. a regular polish kid with one difference. he's a drumming freak of nature. youtube videos popped up of him when he was 4, now 6, igor is a pro. with sponsorships from giants such as sabian, maypex and vic firth he is putting on concerts around europe.

but he didn't lick this knack up off the road. igors mother is a singing music graduate and his father, a bass guitarist. but this kids talent is unbelievable.…there's a lot to be said for pussy parents..

Friday, December 5, 2008

technology, my dear watson...

I know what your thinking...why does a 1930's style radio have usb ports? the reality is, this is a fully functioning PC!

they are made by a guy called Jeffery Stephenson, he has made numerous pc's in this art deco style. all of which don't look anything like a pc.

they would look great in an old timey, sherlock holmes type study...

Friday, November 28, 2008

dear santa...

I found this on the internet some time ago, but was reminded of it recently. This, my friends, is an R2D2 DVD/CD projector. it has to be the coolest bit of 'big boy toy' gadgetry I've ever seen. the only thing in its way of world domination....stairs.

I only other thing I'll say is watch the clip...again...and again